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Remote Learning 


Remote Learning 

Remote learning overview


In case of any school closures, all children can continue with their education predominately using Tapestry (Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children) and Google Classroom (Years 2 - 6).  We have learnt a lot over the last two years and are committed to coninued improvement in this new and exciting journey. Please bear with us as we navigate the obvious challenges as they arise and we tackle them with a growth mindset attitude.


A copy of the Remote Learning Action Plan, Remote Learning Policy and Information for Parents can be found below:

This meets the expectations set out in the DfE guidance ‘Remote Education Support’ which can be found below:

Online access

If your child does not have access to a computer/laptop and/or the internet, the school will do all it can to support them and will provide paper packs of learning. Where funding can be accessed, remote devices (eg, laptops) and/or 4G connections will be sought, particularly for disadvantaged children. Please make the school aware of any barriers to accessing remote learning. 


Nursery, Reception and Year 1 use Tapestry which is well established with teachers and parents.

Google Classroom

We use Google Classroom to enable all Year 2 - Year 6 pupils to access weekly homework and to learn from home when in isolation or in the event of a school closure.


Every child has a unique login to the Classroom - they have been using this at school.


Google Classroom is a safe and secure solution for children to access learning materials directly from their class teachers; a location in which they can collaborate with their peers by sharing useful websites and tips to completing assignments; a hub to allow blended learning direct from their school classrooms into the comfort of their own homes.


By clicking the image below, your child will be taken directly to the Google Classroom webpage. On the right, they will see an option to sign-in. Your child has been issued with a school email and password which they have practiced using. Once in, they will be in the class home page which will have learning links and resources to support them at home.







If you require any help or support with your child logging on and accessing please contact their class teacher in the first instance or the school office on who can direct your query  to the relevant teacher.


Remote Learning Feedback and Marking

During the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent school lockdowns, the school moved to online learning platforms to teach children remotely. We deliver this learning for EYFS and Y1 through Tapestry and for Years 2 - 6 through Google Classroom. Wherever possible, we apply the guidelines and the spirit of the Feedback and Marking Policy but it worth noting these key points:

  • There is a shared expectation (by staff, parents and children) that ALL work completed in the morning of a remote learning day, will be checked and in most cases responded to by the teacher. Generally this will be for the core subjects. This may involve a level of procedural marking or a more in depth developmental comment that requires a response.   

  • Marking and feedback will take a number of forms remotely. Main examples include:

  • computer generated marking - e.g google forms 

  • typed comments on the children’s submitted google docs

  • children’s work highlighted pink to show successful features or green to show features that require development

  • teacher verbal feedback embedded into the google document through the Mote App

  • children can also use the Mote App feature to respond or ask questions. 

  • an email check in 

  • Work for foundation subjects completed and submitted later in the day may have also been marked or fed back using the above features but may just have acknowledging generic comments attached depending on the task. Some work will not be responded to at all. 

  • Where children have been given feedback that requires a response, the teacher will check that this has been done and contact the child/parent if this is not being actioned.

The Road Ahead

Over the next weeks, months and year, we will be developing our Remote Learning and improving it as we learn more about its capabilities.



Ellen Mitchell (Senior Administrator).  T: 01271 342455     E:
Sticklepath Community Primary Academy, Woodville, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 2HH


Part of Tarka Learning Partnership 

C/O Roundswell Community School Primary Academy, Claypits Road, Roundswell, Barnstaple Devon EX31 3WJ  T: 01271 433125

John Walker - Data Protection Officer 

PHP Law LLP, 6 Delamore Park, Cornwood, Ivybridge PL21 9QP. T: 03337729763

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