young minds
01271 342455
Sticklepath CP Academy
Executive Co-Headteachers
Opening Times - 8.35am - 3.20pm (33.75 hours)
The School Day
Key School Times
9.00am - 3.00 pm for Nursery
From 8.35am - 3.00pm - Reception
From 8.35 am – 3.10 pm for Years 1 and 2
From 8.35am - 3.15pm for Years 3 and 4
From 8.35 am – 3.20 pm for Years 5 and 6
Children should arrive at school between 8.35 am and 9.00 am in the morning. School gates only open at 8.35 am, at which time classroom doors will also open. Registers close at 9am, at which time children will need to enter via the school office to sign in.
Parents of younger and new children can bring their child to the classroom door in the morning and collect them from outside the classrooms at the end of the day. At Key Stage 2 children enter classrooms from the external doors. We encourage children to come into class independently as early as they can. We work with parents to support this vital transition. We also ask Key Stage 2 parents to drop and collect their child(ren) at the school gates to support this and keep the site as calm as possible.
One of the executive co-headteachers or the deputy headteacher is generally available before and after school for any urgent matters.
Children have 15 minutes play break during the morning and a 10 minute exercise break. The Lower School and Year 3 and 4 also have a break of 15 minutes in the afternoon.
All children at Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school dinner. Children can bring a
packed lunch or purchase a school dinner (currently £2.30). All children eat together either in the school dining hall or their classrooms, enabling them to sit with their friends, whether they have a packed lunch or a school dinner. School dinners can be paid for daily via the school office or online via the MCAS gateway.
Nursery lunchtime runs from 12.15 - 1.15pm
Reception & Year 1 lunchtime runs from 11.45 – 12.35pm
Year 2 & 3 lunchtime runs from 12.15 – 1.05pm
Year 4, 5 & 6 lunchtime runs from 12.45 – 1.35pm